Sunday, April 28, 2013



Jason Z. Pott of NEOtrash Comix
Hey there sports fans, Al here with the latest:
The 2013 Stumptown Spread

STUMPTOWN COMIC FESTIVAL 2013. It is currently under way as this post is being seen. I have no idea how it will go but good.  I ask that you keep your finger crossed for me and Jason this weekend.  I will take pictures as I can in between sales.
TRAVEL to Stumptown was filled with it's own kinda of interesting stuff when it comes to me traveling to and from shows.  And to most friends they know that I do not own a long traveling kind of vehicle like a car or truck to transport work to and from shows so when you have 31 small pieces of art plus comics it can kinda be a bit daunting a bit but the kid managed to pull it off.  A true bike rider of traveling here in the town of PDX.  I was a moderately well dressed comic book traveling bicyclist of the highest order.  Hahhaha!  I even laugh at myself about this but it went off without a hitch.

THE OPENING OF THE SHOW has been really good this year.  It was kind of hard to compare to last years show since I was taking time out to participate in my friend Ben's wedding so. All vendors always compare their sales with each other.  Though I will say that I have not made my introductions to our next door neighbors yesterday as I was having a great time just hanging out with Jason and talking to him about what ever came up in conversation.  A very drama free kinda of show as I like to think of it.  It was the reason I get along with Jason in that kind of setting.  Good times I am looking forward to see how this day is going to turn out but I know we will have a good time regardless of our sales today.  Adam of Darkslinger Comics remarked to me once a few years ago that people could see the desperation in my face when they would walk by the table and I hadn't sold a damn thing.  ALSO just being happy or even looking happy changes up the situation at a show.  In a way it's no different than when you are having a bad day at the drawing table and you just don't feel it when you're putting that brush stroke to bristol and you think "Man, this just looks like shit!" 
The same applies when you met up with your general public who may not have had the chance to see your work.
So put on that happy face 'cause it could change everything.  Have a great time while you are there.  It's a break from your day to day kinda job.   NO DEADLINES HERE!


And on top of the day being good and drama free there was also the sales of a Scratch Pad booklet sold to four new potential fans and two original pieces of artwork and two Corrax books sold!  This was that validation I have  talked about so many times before in the past.  Good times.  


Still on hold.  I'm seeking to figure out what I can do to finish this character before I put him to bed.
It's been a while since we had heard anything from this guy but with the pull out of CTS#2 other stories that I had written and thumbnailed out are being dusted off currently.  "Arctic Wolf" is a  new story line.  In Corpsecilce story line CC had mentioned in passing how he has had to deal with other monsters briefly so I decided to play on this foreshadowing plot device.  I was happy to see this develop.  The amount of work that will really on focus on two characters at any one time.  For me as the artist this rocks.  So how will this new story line be rendered? Scratchboard of course.  After the way everybody went gaga over the last book it just made sense to do it again.
Watch here for more as this project develops.
UPDATE WHILE AT THE SHOW I had just purchased a black paper sketchbook and a white PITT marker at the art store to play with at the show to see if I could duplicate my look of the scratchboard quickly.   Surprisingly enough I had a blast working with this.  I coming along with an effect of some almost painted effects from posters I had seen pinned up on wooden power poles down in Eugene over 20 years ago.  They were really awesome pieces of work so this was a happy little revelation for moi.

Mid OCTOBER at the Slingshot Lounge here in Portland.  If you make it up this way you should check it out.  It'll be cool.
I have been talking to my framer at the art store about floating my 16"x20" in a 2" black boarder and frame.  My thinking about the space is I will need about 16 different pieces for this show I think that I can do this if I start now.  
Of course I can't take credit for that one since my friend Dax coined that title.  Another idea for a series of scratchboards to be created using familiar faces and mugs are the evil/mad scientists.  Pushing science to it's ultimate end and the downfall of humanity.  I think I may call that show "The Weird Science Project" or TWSP for short.

NOTHING beats getting paid for a commission and my FRANKENSTEIN commission is now just curing it's varnish before I hand it off to Jason and Randi for their gothy home.   
And now I have to look forward to getting to work on the Rat Priest album cover and logo.  After that is another piece of work for my friend/bartender Rose and her daughter's birthday Bigfoot scratch board piece.   AND IF THAT WASN'T ENOUGH my friend/bartender Dan at a another bar hub that I frequent has hit me up for a t-shirt design as well.  COOL BEANS.  I think work has garnered a little racket and then there is also the gallery work that I have to work on as well for mid October.  Good times.  
Still working on this but currently precluded with commissions at this present time.  But with a little help from Adam I think I might be able to get more this under way.
If your wanting to look at some of the older blog for Black Box Comix you can check them out here. Black Box Comix Blog.
Or if you're interested in purchasing something that catches your eye  check out here on the Big Cartel web site.  Big Cartel.

And of course is always the backlog of comics here at Indyplanet.

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