Sunday, October 30, 2011

The End of a Month

Hey there sports fans, Al here with the latest: 
Corrax: the Seeker "Halloween Pumpkin Pie"
copyright 2011 Alan Bennett

The Poster for "I am, therefore I think 5"
show 2011

Sitting Proud in middle at the "I am, therefore I think 5" Show 2011

 Well as things stand poised on spirits of the dead communing with the spirits of the living, I have to say have a Happy Halloween this year.  Corpse Cop is standing proudly at the Goodfoot this next month as the "I am, therefore I think 5" show get under way.

"88 STRONG COMBO" image 2011
copyrighted 2011 Alan Bennett

Now unfortunately none of my pieces sold for the 88 STRONG SHOW. BUT I should know that painting is not my strong suit. It never was but I gave it the try because what  else did I have to loose? 
 I realized that at that moment that art is reactionary.  I have a lot of artists friends of mine that know the hard work that goes into making the pieces but its the complete stranger that has the bucks to really appreciate what you made that really makes the difference.  
  If artists could afford each other's art we, as a group, would be very happy and very well off.
  Aside from that, I know the work is good.  I guess it's just looking for that right buyer. 
  But onto more shows.  As the 88 STRONG show came down another show replaced it at the Goodfoot Lounge.  The new show is entitled "I am, therefore I think 5".  Now where the title comes from?  I do not know but I am sure to find out down the road.  I have two pieces from two vastly different shows because to me their impact is part of that social commentary on life.  

The Wrap around cover for "Weird Atomic Tales" #1
The book continues on but slowly and not for the lack of trying.  I thought I was being very premature with thinking I could have the basic drawings done and ink but no such luck.  Bare in mind I was being completely unrealistic with my goal.  
  With a new bill paying job and working six days a week makes it for a very small window to get things done.  BUT they will be done.

"Pencil Trick" Commission drawing.

Now one of the latest commissions that I was contracted to work on was "the Pencil Trick"  featuring the Joker.  Now I was told that I had pretty much free reign on this so keep in the trick I decided to pull as much info off the Heath Ledger version from "The Dark Knight".  It seemed like the best thing to do.  So here was a rough idea of what I was thinking about doing.

And that is it for the kid.  Work to do.

1 comment:

  1. Sweet sweet sweet, man. I'm diggin' the new blog!! Keep up all the hard work.
